Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rep. Erik Paulson Backs HR1207 (Audit the Federal Reserve)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Congressman Erik Paulsen
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:46 PM
Subject: Responding to your message
To: freetheflamingo@gmail.com

Dear Jordan:

Thank you for letting me know of your support for H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.

Like you, I am concerned about transparency and accountability issues surrounding the Federal Reserve. This is especially true at this time when the Federal Reserve is exercising the "unusual circumstances" authority it was given when established and expanding its balance sheet to over $2 trillion and possibly more.

That's why I am a cosponsor and supporter of H.R. 1207, which would provide for an audit of the Fed's books and expand public knowledge of the workings of the central bank, among other common sense reforms.

Thanks again for sharing your concerns, as I appreciate hearing from you. Please let me know whenever I can be of assistance.


Erik Paulsen
Member of Congress

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My wish for Paulson's backing has come true.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Health Care and Tax Cuts - A Tribute to Levin

There is an understanding among some of the new voices around the block that it is the undeniable folly of Americans that they are greedy. They want more for themselves, when realistically they need to understand to make do with less.

With this form of pessimism that is shaping among the modern statist, those who seek control for the state from the individual, who touts himself or herself as a progressive liberal, it is anybody’s guess as to why Europeans founded the colonies at all. Think about it. Did they really embark on the most treacherous crossings of the Atlantic Ocean on the hope that they might be burdened with a better life?

It seems plain to me that the ones espousing this collective reasoning are the greediest of all. They literally wake up nearly every day figuring out how to hire more politicians and government officials to take money from people they don’t know to people that they feel they do know. Lets face it, when it comes to the private sector, liberals’ thirst for domination exceeds that of a pit bull at your local butchery, provided that overcame the tax burden as a whole. The tragedy however, is that the butcher occasionally believes this after being promised some health care and tax credits.

Is it common sense to give up a stable job that can provide both health care and wealth for a promise from a politician? Now we know the tax cuts (for those that pay taxes) aren't coming. But, it was common sense in England, apparently, when they nationalized the health care system, so it was astonishing for me to learn the damning statistics cited in Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny. As a male, I would not prefer a 604% additional chance at prostate cancer as in England. I’d like our chances better if we could persuade and assist the statists to build a Nina, Pinta, and a Santa Marie to re-colonize Europe!

However, I’m not saying that voting for cloaked statists is like digging your own grave. On the contrary, it is much more like hiring someone to dig your own grave for you and push you in a little early with your grandkid’s money! Do the early birds get the worm? Or should it be in this instance that the worms get you?

Perhaps it’s finally time to start a movement to stop the carcinogen now clearly identified as statism. For the sake of the village, statists should not be allowed within twenty feet of any form of legislation, and this can begin by voting these not-so-funny comedians into new work one election cycle at a time. ■

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bloomington, MN Town Hall Speech (Early February)

"There are those aristocrats (pause) who talk down the economy, and insist that we the people should invest more in gov't charity. They take a "freeze-it now" approach when looking at the pie. They insist the economic pie is never going to get any bigger, and scare the people into groups to grab as much pie as they can.

American ingenuity did not cease simply because we are in a down-turn. We are the bravest most innovative people on the Earth, and yes we can get out of the welfare Malayes. Cut taxes for the rich and the poor! Stop punishing success and rewarding failure. Making this a priority will turn the page and create a bigger pie for All and not Some.

It is a sad state of affairs when we the people must stand in que to beg the state for money. Americans are also among the most loving, charitable people in the world, and lets turn to their hearts instead of mining their wallets."


I wrote this fairly impromptu at the town hall meeting. Being my first, I didn't realize how under dressed I was, and what these meetings were all about. I was nervous for myself because public speaking was my greatest fear in life, but I was more nervous for the sake of my state, and the direction of my country. Ultimately, I feel this is what the grassroots conservative movement is all about... moving people to do more to improve the nation to bless our kids, and our families as we realize we have been blessed with wonderful gifts from our Creator. We need to overcome fear and come together to oppose the socialist/statist agenda with great pride and enthusiasm. Combing our talents, and motivating each other to extend their talents will help us move forward in an increasingly dangerous world. God bless America!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Letter to Minnesota Governor (Congress Misbehaves Over Baby DNA Privacy)

Dear Governor,

Taking in the gravity of the position of Governor, it is unfortunate today that a lonely citizen of Minnesota such as I has to be the one to inform you that the state's congress is misbehaving regarding a simple bill, however that does seem to be the case. I have (as well as my new-found friends at the CCHC)

1) Contacted my legislators by email and phone with no response.
2) Visited the capitol several times on "hearings" regarding HF 1341/SF 1478, and have tried to testify on it personally only to be stonewalled by democrats.

I would expect this issue to reach the ears of the Governor if the media was not so inarticulate in matters that might actually concern the people of the great state of Minnesota. Therefore, as a last resort, I must ask for a reprieve from the Governor in this usurpation of The People's rights.

There is a concern among many constituents in Minnesota over the data privacy of the new born infants. Many of us understand as a matter of fact baby DNA is not state DNA. This is of course true, and the law requires that the HHS DNA database of 820,000 be destroyed. This is not even a dispute between differing ideologies, but a matter of law. I no longer expect my legislators to understand the concerns of state control over baby DNA, however there should be a bare minimum that our legislators understand those concerns do exist.

It is understandable that there are those who want to advance science and to use infants as a vehicle to prove their dedication to such endeavors. Given that the HHS is in violation of the law, and is currently ignoring the law (and there is no evidence to support any other conclusion), the precedent being set here is not one of reasonable men and women. Essentially, supporting HF 1341 and its counterpart SF 1478 is affirming that science trumps reason. This is doubly troubling to those who have taken a brief look at some of the darker chapters of the history humanity concerning genetic research.

Again, at the bare minimum there is an understanding among many who are aware of the issue that baby DNA is not state DNA. They will grow distrustful of their doctors, and possibly even the medical profession. I implore my legislators to vote against HF 1341 and SF 1478, because I believe unabashedly that all ideologies understand the necessity of the patient/client relationship that is currently in jeopardy. That sacred relationship should not be infringed upon by legislators. We all share the same wonders towards what lies ahead, but lets put our best feet forward.

Governor Pawlenty, I beg you to use the media to explain the issue fully to Minnesotans, and to articulate why it must be vetoed if found in the final form of legislation. If the bill is passed with HF 1341 or SF 1478, then as a republican and a big 'A' American, as a final recourse I must have the constitution to abide by my patriotic duty as a private citizen to help maintain the Republic in which we both reside. I must lend my support and vote for someone who will stand with We The People on this issue, and will retain the peoples' rights with We The People.

Jordan Jelinek

Letter to Minnesota State Legistlators - Baby DNA Privacy (HF 1341/SF 1478)

Dear Legislators,

There is a concern among many constituents in Minnesota over the data privacy of the new born infants. Many of us understand as a matter of fact baby DNA is not state DNA. This is of course true, and the law requires that the DNA database of 820,000 be destroyed. This is not even a dispute between differing ideologies, but a matter of law. I hardly expect my legislators to understand the concerns of state control over baby DNA, however there should be a bare minimum that our legislators understand those concerns do exist.

It is understandable that there are those who want to advance science and to use infants as a vehicle to prove their dedication to such endeavors. Given that the HHS is in violation of the law, and is currently ignoring the law (and there is no evidence to support any other conclusion), the precedent being set here is not one of reasonable men and women. Essentially, supporting HF 1341 and its sister SF 1478 is affirming that science trumps reason. This is doubly troubling to those who have taken a brief look at some of the darker chapters of the history humanity concerning genetic research.

Again, at the bare minimum there is an understanding among many who are aware of the issue that baby DNA is not state DNA. Minnesotans will grow distrustful of their doctors, and possibly even the medical profession. I implore my legislators to vote against HF 1341 and SF 1478, because I believe unabashedly that all ideologies understand the necessity of the patient/client relationship that is currently in jeopardy. That sacred relationship should not be infringed upon by legislators. We all share the same wonders towards what lies ahead, but lets put our best feet forward.

Jordan Jelinek