Ronald Reagan once said, “We the people tell the government what to do. It doesn’t tell us. We the people are the driver, the government is the car, and we decide where it should go by what route and how fast. Almost all the worlds Constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which we the people tell government what it can do. We the People are Free.” It’s still true today.
I don’t know if Eva Ng’s parents knew that when they left Communist China for Hong Kong, but I am sure glad they didn’t stop there. Eva Ng came to the United States as an immigrant at the age of 10, and being gifted she was determined to use her talents in every capacity possible.
After acing high school, and graduating with honors from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering, she became a first generation female engineer. With freedom blood mixed with a dose of ambition pumping in her veins, she has gained a reputation in the corporate world as a gifted trouble-shooter. She spent the first 20 years of her career with Fortune 100 companies. Ten of those years were with Texaco. Meanwhile, Glenn Tilton who subsequently became CEO of Texaco and United Airlines identified her as a Presidential Fast Tracker.
As a dynamo and a pioneer, Eva travels through life at a fast pace. However, she always makes the people the priority. Every decision she makes will have the weight of thousands of faces representing thousands of dreams behind them. And that's where these decisions can be trusted, because she has the logic and experience necessary to excel at any task. I feel strongly that this is what Saint Paul needs, someone who will use her talent in every capacity possible to meet the needs of the people.
People and businesses invariably move towards the locations that encourage growth through freedom. Eva salutes the principles of Reaganomics to grow the economy for everyone. She believes in sound money, lower taxes, and decreased regulations as necessary ingredients for economic growth, and she wishes to encourage cooperation through free markets, and free trade.
The moment she takes office Eva will face several challenges that have unlimited solutions. Given Eva’s history and record of accomplishment, rest assured that with each challenge she will find the solution most congruent with Saint Paul’s virtue.
As young republicans, we have a long-standing tradition to maintain. We need to pursue the dream to leave America a better place for our children, to help Minnesota to realize its own dream. To do that, we have to bring aid to our conservative roots and our most promising conservative candidates across Minnesota.
For more information, visit
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Obama Claims Long-Term Debt Is Unsustainable
Before the Tea Parties
"Let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security."
Okay, lets fast-forward a few weeks after the Tea Parties! According to -
“We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque. “We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.”
Okay, now lets rewind to what he voted for as a senator, and what he is now proposing as an acting President.

It seems unresolvable, but that may not be entirely true. We should consider inviting Obama to the next Tea Party after Obama signs into law his next economic fiasco.
"Let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security."
Okay, lets fast-forward a few weeks after the Tea Parties! According to -
“We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque. “We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.”
Okay, now lets rewind to what he voted for as a senator, and what he is now proposing as an acting President.

It seems unresolvable, but that may not be entirely true. We should consider inviting Obama to the next Tea Party after Obama signs into law his next economic fiasco.

political suicide,
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I’ve hardly seen so many politicians proudly proclaim their ignorance to the public after the outcry of New Yorkers who saw the shadow of a 747 loom brazenly over their skyscrapers. These policy makers are hypocritical and dangerous.
The president decides on the campaign trail that global warming is decided science, yet wastes $60,000 worth of jet fuel for the sole purpose of a photo-op. What’s next? Perhaps next time there is a global summit, Pelosi and Obama should race their 747s across the Atlantic to prove their commitment to the environment.
When confronted by the media, which is supposedly for the people, the White House Press Secretary Gibbs tells the press to call the White House. That’s slightly insulting since Gibbs essentially IS the White House in this case.
Shockingly, before carrying on with this photo-op, not a single citizen was notified to the plan of a low-flying 747, and not a single administrator is to blame. Somehow, I find the latter part much harder to believe than the former. We are meant not to worry though, because Obama is outraged about Obama’s photo-op gone wrong. It seems that time-and-time again the liberals yell for transparency out-of-office, and implement secrecy when in-office.
But, the part most frightening to me is that this is the same government that proposes meeting new challenges of average people through the central planning of an elite. If the elite politicians and policy makers didn’t understand the kind of fear the shadow of a 747 would create in the minds of New Yorkers would generate, then how can it possibly understand or meet the needs of average Americans? Rather than showing us the light, this administration sees fit to leave us in its shadow.
The president decides on the campaign trail that global warming is decided science, yet wastes $60,000 worth of jet fuel for the sole purpose of a photo-op. What’s next? Perhaps next time there is a global summit, Pelosi and Obama should race their 747s across the Atlantic to prove their commitment to the environment.
When confronted by the media, which is supposedly for the people, the White House Press Secretary Gibbs tells the press to call the White House. That’s slightly insulting since Gibbs essentially IS the White House in this case.
Shockingly, before carrying on with this photo-op, not a single citizen was notified to the plan of a low-flying 747, and not a single administrator is to blame. Somehow, I find the latter part much harder to believe than the former. We are meant not to worry though, because Obama is outraged about Obama’s photo-op gone wrong. It seems that time-and-time again the liberals yell for transparency out-of-office, and implement secrecy when in-office.
But, the part most frightening to me is that this is the same government that proposes meeting new challenges of average people through the central planning of an elite. If the elite politicians and policy makers didn’t understand the kind of fear the shadow of a 747 would create in the minds of New Yorkers would generate, then how can it possibly understand or meet the needs of average Americans? Rather than showing us the light, this administration sees fit to leave us in its shadow.
Obama administration
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sample Letters to State Reps. on Health Care Issues
It is not too late to email your leaders.
House Leaders
Senate Leaders
"The people I speak with have serious concerns with HF 1760 and HF 1341. There is a concern that people will be given coverage on the basis of their genetic make-up (or their political clout). If someone is prone to sickle cell anemia, and that someone gets cancer, the MDH the angel of death may soar over his or her door. This is especially true when we look at every other socialized medicine camp. Most recently, the elderly in Britain are told to be more accepting of their fate.
The government has no right to take Baby DNA by force. The Constitution did not outline any such power for a federal government. If the 4th Amendment had a vote, it’d vote “no” on this illegal search and seizure. Due Process would also have something to say about this too.
This slippery slope has been identified as eugenics, and its ethical standing has been repudiated by history."
"To be plain, SF695 and HF 1362 has some issues. The people I speak to have serious concerns about our medical records complying to national database standards. Logically put, our medical records are ours, and they are not federal. Elderly people are especially concerned because in the UK (and other countries) they tried Universal Health Care, and now there is not enough to go around so the elderly are told to be more accepting of their fate. When it comes to Universal Health Care, the grass is not always greener on the other side... especially when the bureau sends the worms out to get you. Please protect our data from bureaucratic peeping toms."
"SF 1462 and HF 1554 begins to instill doubt upon me as to the intentions of the Minnesota Health Department's intentions. It adds powers that would allow the MDH to "quarantine" anyone for any particular reason for an indefinite period of time. I am undeniably curious as to why the MDH, an unelected oligarchy, feels it needs this almost unlimited power. I request a reply."
More information is at the CCHC.
We have to act fast, so if you don't have time, just copy/paste from me. I tend to do separate letters for separate issues.
House Leaders
Senate Leaders
"The people I speak with have serious concerns with HF 1760 and HF 1341. There is a concern that people will be given coverage on the basis of their genetic make-up (or their political clout). If someone is prone to sickle cell anemia, and that someone gets cancer, the MDH the angel of death may soar over his or her door. This is especially true when we look at every other socialized medicine camp. Most recently, the elderly in Britain are told to be more accepting of their fate.
The government has no right to take Baby DNA by force. The Constitution did not outline any such power for a federal government. If the 4th Amendment had a vote, it’d vote “no” on this illegal search and seizure. Due Process would also have something to say about this too.
This slippery slope has been identified as eugenics, and its ethical standing has been repudiated by history."
"To be plain, SF695 and HF 1362 has some issues. The people I speak to have serious concerns about our medical records complying to national database standards. Logically put, our medical records are ours, and they are not federal. Elderly people are especially concerned because in the UK (and other countries) they tried Universal Health Care, and now there is not enough to go around so the elderly are told to be more accepting of their fate. When it comes to Universal Health Care, the grass is not always greener on the other side... especially when the bureau sends the worms out to get you. Please protect our data from bureaucratic peeping toms."
"SF 1462 and HF 1554 begins to instill doubt upon me as to the intentions of the Minnesota Health Department's intentions. It adds powers that would allow the MDH to "quarantine" anyone for any particular reason for an indefinite period of time. I am undeniably curious as to why the MDH, an unelected oligarchy, feels it needs this almost unlimited power. I request a reply."
More information is at the CCHC.
We have to act fast, so if you don't have time, just copy/paste from me. I tend to do separate letters for separate issues.
Health Care,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Diet Distraction Documented
The Politico has an attractive story called Members battle the bulge. However, if you're hoping this is a piece on the proposed multi-trillion dollar budget, this isn't it. Instead, this is a piece on why the American people, members of congress, and lobbyists tend to be gaining more weight in the economic downturn, while reporters remain in good health through increasingly troubling times.
“Health experts say the economic downturn has wreaked havoc on Americans’ diets, as people cancel gym memberships, dine at fast-food restaurants and, in some cases, take on additional work hours as companies shrink their work forces.” (emphasis added)
“Members say endless lunchtime meetings, heavy travel schedules and late-night hours have caused traffic to pick up both in the Senate gym and at the cafeteria salad bar.” (emphasis added)
“But her most unhealthy clients aren’t politicians; they’re lobbyists. Tallmadge says many former Hill employees gain weight after taking jobs on K Street, where the workday often means more restaurant meals, less walking and often, a parking space in the office building.” (emphasis added)
“The most in-shape people on the Hill: the reporters. Tallmadge says one of her journalist clients has clocked in an average of 17,000 steps a day while scrambling for interviews.” (emphasis added)
Question the source. Who are the health experts, and what are there reasons? Which members of congress? The article cites Sen. DeMint and Rep. Barney Frank, but congress has 535 members! That’s 533 members not mentioned.
What makes Tallmadge more credible than the journalist who wrote the article, Erika Lovley? Are journalists so credible that referencing themselves boosts, rather than reduce, their credibility? Yet, the media constantly plays this elementary game called telephone.
Wouldn’t truly harsh economic times force people to diet? If an American has to live on a tighter budget, I’d expect him or her cut spending on the food budget. Less food means that people gain less weight. As Marty Seifer says, “When the water hole dries up, the game start looking at each other differently.” Perhaps in these tough American times modern journalists would say something like, "When the water hole dries up, everyone starts stuffing themselves, except the magnificent journalists who work hard policing the situation before it gets out of hand."
“Health experts say the economic downturn has wreaked havoc on Americans’ diets, as people cancel gym memberships, dine at fast-food restaurants and, in some cases, take on additional work hours as companies shrink their work forces.” (emphasis added)
“Members say endless lunchtime meetings, heavy travel schedules and late-night hours have caused traffic to pick up both in the Senate gym and at the cafeteria salad bar.” (emphasis added)
“But her most unhealthy clients aren’t politicians; they’re lobbyists. Tallmadge says many former Hill employees gain weight after taking jobs on K Street, where the workday often means more restaurant meals, less walking and often, a parking space in the office building.” (emphasis added)
“The most in-shape people on the Hill: the reporters. Tallmadge says one of her journalist clients has clocked in an average of 17,000 steps a day while scrambling for interviews.” (emphasis added)
Question the source. Who are the health experts, and what are there reasons? Which members of congress? The article cites Sen. DeMint and Rep. Barney Frank, but congress has 535 members! That’s 533 members not mentioned.
What makes Tallmadge more credible than the journalist who wrote the article, Erika Lovley? Are journalists so credible that referencing themselves boosts, rather than reduce, their credibility? Yet, the media constantly plays this elementary game called telephone.
Wouldn’t truly harsh economic times force people to diet? If an American has to live on a tighter budget, I’d expect him or her cut spending on the food budget. Less food means that people gain less weight. As Marty Seifer says, “When the water hole dries up, the game start looking at each other differently.” Perhaps in these tough American times modern journalists would say something like, "When the water hole dries up, everyone starts stuffing themselves, except the magnificent journalists who work hard policing the situation before it gets out of hand."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Department Of Homeland Security Blankets Public As Extreme
If you haven’t already heard, the Department of Homeland Security under the Obama Administration has released a 9 page report on ‘right-wing extremism’. The report does not give a specific definition of right-wing extremism, but instead indulges in psycho-babble summarized as follows.
“Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial, or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion of immigration.” – Department of Homeland Security
Come to think of it, if we take out the hate-oriented racist language, this would be a solid foundation for a political party to adopt. Fifty-seven million people voted for McCain instead of Obama for some of these sound reasons.
The report also chimes in on the increase of gun ownership.
“Open source reporting of wartime ammunition shortages has likely spurred rightwing extremists – as well as law-abiding Americans – to make bulk purchases of ammunition. These shortages have increased the cost of ammunition, further exacerbating rightwing extremist paranoia and leading to further stockpiling activity. Both rightwing extremists and law-abiding citizens share a belief that rising crime rates attribute to a slumping economy make the purchase of legitimate firearms a wise move at this time.” – DHS Report
At least the DHS is willing to admit that there is such a thing as legitimate citizens and paranoid rightwing extremists. Would the DHS further concede that such purchases are not irrational?
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Janet Napolitano, head of the DHS, uses a definition of right-wing extremism so broad that it includes Mahatma Gandhi!
The report drags on to label New World Order conspiracy theorists.
“Rightwing extremist paranoia of foreign regimes could escalate or be magnified in the event of an economic crisis or military confrontation, harkening back to the “New World Order” conspiracy theories of the 1990s. The dissolution of Communist countries in Eastern Europe and the end of the Soviet Union in the 1990s led some rightwing extremists to believe that a “New World Order” would bring about a world government that would usurp the sovereignty of the United States and its Constitution, thus infringing upon their liberty. The dynamics in 2009 are somewhat similar, as other countries, including China, India, and Russia, as well as some smaller, oil-producing states, are experiencing a rise in economic power and influence.” - DHS Report
We’re adults, so we can discuss this, right? It can hardly be denied that targeting ordinary citizens under the label ‘right-wing extremist’ does threaten our free speech rights guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. Just recently, the US Navy was placed on hold in destroying the Somalian pirates because of International Law concerns. Besides that, the first logical step to create a supposed New World Order would be to control the money supply. Remembering my history, it was only a few weeks ago when Gordon Brown called for a Global Currency, and our Secretary of the Treasury Geithner said he was open to the Global Currency. That simple analysis doesn’t make one a fearful militia member or a danger to society.
Perhaps most insulting is the implication that veterans are potential victims of this right-wing sentiment.
“DHS/I&A asses that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists – including lone wolves or small terrorist cells – to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.” - DHS Report
Excuse me, this is the government we are suppose to feel connected to?
Call Senator Klobuchar, and tell her what you think about ordinary citizenry being placed under the blanket of right-wing extremism. Contact your representative as well. Tell them to that the Homeland Security Report does not reflect well on the administration. Tell them... tell them that you are Spartacus. Tell your friends to do the same.
Senator Klobuchar – 1 (888) 224-9043
Contact Your Reps
Link to Full DHS Report
“Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial, or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion of immigration.” – Department of Homeland Security
Come to think of it, if we take out the hate-oriented racist language, this would be a solid foundation for a political party to adopt. Fifty-seven million people voted for McCain instead of Obama for some of these sound reasons.
The report also chimes in on the increase of gun ownership.
“Open source reporting of wartime ammunition shortages has likely spurred rightwing extremists – as well as law-abiding Americans – to make bulk purchases of ammunition. These shortages have increased the cost of ammunition, further exacerbating rightwing extremist paranoia and leading to further stockpiling activity. Both rightwing extremists and law-abiding citizens share a belief that rising crime rates attribute to a slumping economy make the purchase of legitimate firearms a wise move at this time.” – DHS Report
At least the DHS is willing to admit that there is such a thing as legitimate citizens and paranoid rightwing extremists. Would the DHS further concede that such purchases are not irrational?
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Janet Napolitano, head of the DHS, uses a definition of right-wing extremism so broad that it includes Mahatma Gandhi!
The report drags on to label New World Order conspiracy theorists.
“Rightwing extremist paranoia of foreign regimes could escalate or be magnified in the event of an economic crisis or military confrontation, harkening back to the “New World Order” conspiracy theories of the 1990s. The dissolution of Communist countries in Eastern Europe and the end of the Soviet Union in the 1990s led some rightwing extremists to believe that a “New World Order” would bring about a world government that would usurp the sovereignty of the United States and its Constitution, thus infringing upon their liberty. The dynamics in 2009 are somewhat similar, as other countries, including China, India, and Russia, as well as some smaller, oil-producing states, are experiencing a rise in economic power and influence.” - DHS Report
We’re adults, so we can discuss this, right? It can hardly be denied that targeting ordinary citizens under the label ‘right-wing extremist’ does threaten our free speech rights guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. Just recently, the US Navy was placed on hold in destroying the Somalian pirates because of International Law concerns. Besides that, the first logical step to create a supposed New World Order would be to control the money supply. Remembering my history, it was only a few weeks ago when Gordon Brown called for a Global Currency, and our Secretary of the Treasury Geithner said he was open to the Global Currency. That simple analysis doesn’t make one a fearful militia member or a danger to society.
Perhaps most insulting is the implication that veterans are potential victims of this right-wing sentiment.
“DHS/I&A asses that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists – including lone wolves or small terrorist cells – to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.” - DHS Report
Excuse me, this is the government we are suppose to feel connected to?
Call Senator Klobuchar, and tell her what you think about ordinary citizenry being placed under the blanket of right-wing extremism. Contact your representative as well. Tell them to that the Homeland Security Report does not reflect well on the administration. Tell them... tell them that you are Spartacus. Tell your friends to do the same.
Senator Klobuchar – 1 (888) 224-9043
Contact Your Reps
Link to Full DHS Report
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Suspicious Activity at Canterbury Park
It seems that taking a few minutes to help your fellow man in the pitch of night is an unlikely story these days. This is exactly what drew me under the suspicion of a rogue security guard at Canterbury Park Thursday morning April 9th at 1:15AM.
Walking out of my favorite card club, a stranger asked me if I had a cell phone charger to help charge his phone. I did have a cell phone charger I purchased last week, and the inflection in his voice revealed that he was desperate, so I decided it was important enough for me to assist him.
Under the suspicion of the security cameras, we traveled onward towards my vehicle. Once I got there I started the vehicle and got out, and he placed his cell phone in the vehicle. It was then when I had a not-so-chancy encounter with a security guard.
He claimed that Canterbury’s cameras proved that drugs have changed hands. I explained to him that I was simply helping this gentlemen (who I later learned was named Mohammed) charge his cell phone. Amusingly enough, the security guard did not believe me and he saw all sorts of occurrences that did not add up.
He demanded an explanation as to why my friend went into the passenger door, and why my pupils were dilated. It was obvious that on my particular automobile, the charger was on the passenger side, and as for the second one, it is common knowledge that pupils dilate in darkness. As for him being suspicious of my pockets… that was just absurd. However, I was generous in giving him any explanation at all, since none of it was his business.
After all of that, he asked if I’d have any problem with him searching my car, and I didn’t feel like entertaining his paranoia any longer. He then threatened to call the police on me to search my vehicle. So I just smiled at him, pulled out my pocket Constitution and told him, “I know my Rights, so you just do what you feel you need to do.” He split us up, and that was the end of it. I wonder if Mohammed’s cell phone charged long enough to make one phone call.
All of this error begins from a fundamental misunderstanding of this country called America. In America, we do help each other whenever we feel. In America, we do mostly have a presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, this way of life becomes harder to practice because of those who do not understand it.
Walking out of my favorite card club, a stranger asked me if I had a cell phone charger to help charge his phone. I did have a cell phone charger I purchased last week, and the inflection in his voice revealed that he was desperate, so I decided it was important enough for me to assist him.
Under the suspicion of the security cameras, we traveled onward towards my vehicle. Once I got there I started the vehicle and got out, and he placed his cell phone in the vehicle. It was then when I had a not-so-chancy encounter with a security guard.
He claimed that Canterbury’s cameras proved that drugs have changed hands. I explained to him that I was simply helping this gentlemen (who I later learned was named Mohammed) charge his cell phone. Amusingly enough, the security guard did not believe me and he saw all sorts of occurrences that did not add up.
He demanded an explanation as to why my friend went into the passenger door, and why my pupils were dilated. It was obvious that on my particular automobile, the charger was on the passenger side, and as for the second one, it is common knowledge that pupils dilate in darkness. As for him being suspicious of my pockets… that was just absurd. However, I was generous in giving him any explanation at all, since none of it was his business.
After all of that, he asked if I’d have any problem with him searching my car, and I didn’t feel like entertaining his paranoia any longer. He then threatened to call the police on me to search my vehicle. So I just smiled at him, pulled out my pocket Constitution and told him, “I know my Rights, so you just do what you feel you need to do.” He split us up, and that was the end of it. I wonder if Mohammed’s cell phone charged long enough to make one phone call.
All of this error begins from a fundamental misunderstanding of this country called America. In America, we do help each other whenever we feel. In America, we do mostly have a presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, this way of life becomes harder to practice because of those who do not understand it.
Canterbury Park,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My Medical Records Are Mine
It is only the extreme patience of silent conservatives that we call statements such as "My Medical Records Are Mine" as common sense. To say otherwise is truthfully to say that A is not A. To say otherwise is truthfully to bring treason to reason. That is precisely why neither the Minnesota Legislator, nor the Minnesota Department of Health will hold a debate, because their position is wholly untenable.
The Genetic Privacy Law has been ignored for years, and this new legislation, the Omnibus Health Care Bill will gut it permanently. According to the arbitrary State, new born baby’s DNA is not their parents, but the State’s.
Legislators are supposed to represent the people. Now, when legislators take our newborn’s DNA, and they take our medical records, we have to ask ourselves. Do they represent us, or do they represent government? Being on this issue with the fantastic Twila Brase, I am convinced that this is going to our goal keeper, Governor Pawlenty.
If you have a minute more, help make sure he stops this slap shot by giving him a simple phone call. Tell Governor Pawlenty to use the local media to address the public why he would absolutely veto any legislation that takes medical information from the people to the state. Tell him to veto Baby DNA legislation, and medical record theft legislation.
Our Goalie - Governor Pawlenty –
Visit the Citizens’ Council for Health Care -
The Genetic Privacy Law has been ignored for years, and this new legislation, the Omnibus Health Care Bill will gut it permanently. According to the arbitrary State, new born baby’s DNA is not their parents, but the State’s.
Legislators are supposed to represent the people. Now, when legislators take our newborn’s DNA, and they take our medical records, we have to ask ourselves. Do they represent us, or do they represent government? Being on this issue with the fantastic Twila Brase, I am convinced that this is going to our goal keeper, Governor Pawlenty.
If you have a minute more, help make sure he stops this slap shot by giving him a simple phone call. Tell Governor Pawlenty to use the local media to address the public why he would absolutely veto any legislation that takes medical information from the people to the state. Tell him to veto Baby DNA legislation, and medical record theft legislation.
Our Goalie - Governor Pawlenty –
Visit the Citizens’ Council for Health Care -
Medical Privacy,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Contacts: March 31, 2009
Pat Anderson, Traditional Media Coordinator
Phone#: (651) 294-3593 (612) 850-9181 cell
Antoinette “Toni” Backdahl, MN State Coord.
Phone #: (952) 960-1394
Margaret Lee, Event Coordinator
Phone#: (612) 360-1883
Dave Johannes, Marketing Coordinator
Phone #: (612) 386-0961
Event to be held at the State Capitol grounds on Wednesday, April 15th from 5 to 8 PM.
Concerned citizens, grassroots organizations and free market activists will band together in protest at the State Capitol. Timed to coincide with the date by which Americans must pay their federal income taxes, the Tax Day Tea Party effort is coordinated by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter and the DontGo Movement, in addition to other center-right activist groups.
The nation wide Tea Parties are designed to provide advocates of individual liberty and the free-market system a forum to protest against out of control spending by the federal government. Specifically, the flawed "Stimulus Bill", pork filled budget and the socialist plan for redistribution of wealth.
“ Minnesotans are angry about what they see happening to our country”, said Dave Johannes, St. Paul Tea Party Marketing Coordinator “We need to stop this madness before it’s too late”. “We encourage all Minnesotans to join us and speak out about these irresponsible economic policies of the Congress and Administration,” said Johannes.
When asked about the need for nation wide rallies modeled after the Boston Tea Party of 1773, MN State Tea Party Coordinator Toni Backdahl, remarked, “We are building on the free market ideas of our founding fathers and we are following their examples by speaking out to send a message to our elected representatives.” Tea Party Movement is giving a voice to tens of thousands of Americans,” added Margaret Lee, Event Coordinator for the St. Paul Tea Party, “Average Americans are not in favor of mortgaging away our children’s futures. We need to speak out now before it is too late.”
Information on The Tax Day Tea Party in St Paul can be found at
Contacts: March 31, 2009
Pat Anderson, Traditional Media Coordinator
Phone#: (651) 294-3593 (612) 850-9181 cell
Antoinette “Toni” Backdahl, MN State Coord.
Phone #: (952) 960-1394
Margaret Lee, Event Coordinator
Phone#: (612) 360-1883
Dave Johannes, Marketing Coordinator
Phone #: (612) 386-0961
Event to be held at the State Capitol grounds on Wednesday, April 15th from 5 to 8 PM.
Concerned citizens, grassroots organizations and free market activists will band together in protest at the State Capitol. Timed to coincide with the date by which Americans must pay their federal income taxes, the Tax Day Tea Party effort is coordinated by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter and the DontGo Movement, in addition to other center-right activist groups.
The nation wide Tea Parties are designed to provide advocates of individual liberty and the free-market system a forum to protest against out of control spending by the federal government. Specifically, the flawed "Stimulus Bill", pork filled budget and the socialist plan for redistribution of wealth.
“ Minnesotans are angry about what they see happening to our country”, said Dave Johannes, St. Paul Tea Party Marketing Coordinator “We need to stop this madness before it’s too late”. “We encourage all Minnesotans to join us and speak out about these irresponsible economic policies of the Congress and Administration,” said Johannes.
When asked about the need for nation wide rallies modeled after the Boston Tea Party of 1773, MN State Tea Party Coordinator Toni Backdahl, remarked, “We are building on the free market ideas of our founding fathers and we are following their examples by speaking out to send a message to our elected representatives.” Tea Party Movement is giving a voice to tens of thousands of Americans,” added Margaret Lee, Event Coordinator for the St. Paul Tea Party, “Average Americans are not in favor of mortgaging away our children’s futures. We need to speak out now before it is too late.”
Information on The Tax Day Tea Party in St Paul can be found at
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Rep. Erik Paulson Backs HR1207 (Audit the Federal Reserve)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Congressman Erik Paulsen
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:46 PM
Subject: Responding to your message
Dear Jordan:
Thank you for letting me know of your support for H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.
Like you, I am concerned about transparency and accountability issues surrounding the Federal Reserve. This is especially true at this time when the Federal Reserve is exercising the "unusual circumstances" authority it was given when established and expanding its balance sheet to over $2 trillion and possibly more.
That's why I am a cosponsor and supporter of H.R. 1207, which would provide for an audit of the Fed's books and expand public knowledge of the workings of the central bank, among other common sense reforms.
Thanks again for sharing your concerns, as I appreciate hearing from you. Please let me know whenever I can be of assistance.
Erik Paulsen
Member of Congress
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My wish for Paulson's backing has come true.
From: Congressman Erik Paulsen
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:46 PM
Subject: Responding to your message
Dear Jordan:
Thank you for letting me know of your support for H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.
Like you, I am concerned about transparency and accountability issues surrounding the Federal Reserve. This is especially true at this time when the Federal Reserve is exercising the "unusual circumstances" authority it was given when established and expanding its balance sheet to over $2 trillion and possibly more.
That's why I am a cosponsor and supporter of H.R. 1207, which would provide for an audit of the Fed's books and expand public knowledge of the workings of the central bank, among other common sense reforms.
Thanks again for sharing your concerns, as I appreciate hearing from you. Please let me know whenever I can be of assistance.
Erik Paulsen
Member of Congress
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My wish for Paulson's backing has come true.
Erik Paulson,
Federal Reserve,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Health Care and Tax Cuts - A Tribute to Levin
There is an understanding among some of the new voices around the block that it is the undeniable folly of Americans that they are greedy. They want more for themselves, when realistically they need to understand to make do with less.
With this form of pessimism that is shaping among the modern statist, those who seek control for the state from the individual, who touts himself or herself as a progressive liberal, it is anybody’s guess as to why Europeans founded the colonies at all. Think about it. Did they really embark on the most treacherous crossings of the Atlantic Ocean on the hope that they might be burdened with a better life?
It seems plain to me that the ones espousing this collective reasoning are the greediest of all. They literally wake up nearly every day figuring out how to hire more politicians and government officials to take money from people they don’t know to people that they feel they do know. Lets face it, when it comes to the private sector, liberals’ thirst for domination exceeds that of a pit bull at your local butchery, provided that overcame the tax burden as a whole. The tragedy however, is that the butcher occasionally believes this after being promised some health care and tax credits.
Is it common sense to give up a stable job that can provide both health care and wealth for a promise from a politician? Now we know the tax cuts (for those that pay taxes) aren't coming. But, it was common sense in England, apparently, when they nationalized the health care system, so it was astonishing for me to learn the damning statistics cited in Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny. As a male, I would not prefer a 604% additional chance at prostate cancer as in England. I’d like our chances better if we could persuade and assist the statists to build a Nina, Pinta, and a Santa Marie to re-colonize Europe!
However, I’m not saying that voting for cloaked statists is like digging your own grave. On the contrary, it is much more like hiring someone to dig your own grave for you and push you in a little early with your grandkid’s money! Do the early birds get the worm? Or should it be in this instance that the worms get you?
Perhaps it’s finally time to start a movement to stop the carcinogen now clearly identified as statism. For the sake of the village, statists should not be allowed within twenty feet of any form of legislation, and this can begin by voting these not-so-funny comedians into new work one election cycle at a time. ■
With this form of pessimism that is shaping among the modern statist, those who seek control for the state from the individual, who touts himself or herself as a progressive liberal, it is anybody’s guess as to why Europeans founded the colonies at all. Think about it. Did they really embark on the most treacherous crossings of the Atlantic Ocean on the hope that they might be burdened with a better life?
It seems plain to me that the ones espousing this collective reasoning are the greediest of all. They literally wake up nearly every day figuring out how to hire more politicians and government officials to take money from people they don’t know to people that they feel they do know. Lets face it, when it comes to the private sector, liberals’ thirst for domination exceeds that of a pit bull at your local butchery, provided that overcame the tax burden as a whole. The tragedy however, is that the butcher occasionally believes this after being promised some health care and tax credits.
Is it common sense to give up a stable job that can provide both health care and wealth for a promise from a politician? Now we know the tax cuts (for those that pay taxes) aren't coming. But, it was common sense in England, apparently, when they nationalized the health care system, so it was astonishing for me to learn the damning statistics cited in Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny. As a male, I would not prefer a 604% additional chance at prostate cancer as in England. I’d like our chances better if we could persuade and assist the statists to build a Nina, Pinta, and a Santa Marie to re-colonize Europe!
However, I’m not saying that voting for cloaked statists is like digging your own grave. On the contrary, it is much more like hiring someone to dig your own grave for you and push you in a little early with your grandkid’s money! Do the early birds get the worm? Or should it be in this instance that the worms get you?
Perhaps it’s finally time to start a movement to stop the carcinogen now clearly identified as statism. For the sake of the village, statists should not be allowed within twenty feet of any form of legislation, and this can begin by voting these not-so-funny comedians into new work one election cycle at a time. ■
Health Care,
Mark Levin,
Tax Cuts,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bloomington, MN Town Hall Speech (Early February)
"There are those aristocrats (pause) who talk down the economy, and insist that we the people should invest more in gov't charity. They take a "freeze-it now" approach when looking at the pie. They insist the economic pie is never going to get any bigger, and scare the people into groups to grab as much pie as they can.
American ingenuity did not cease simply because we are in a down-turn. We are the bravest most innovative people on the Earth, and yes we can get out of the welfare Malayes. Cut taxes for the rich and the poor! Stop punishing success and rewarding failure. Making this a priority will turn the page and create a bigger pie for All and not Some.
It is a sad state of affairs when we the people must stand in que to beg the state for money. Americans are also among the most loving, charitable people in the world, and lets turn to their hearts instead of mining their wallets."
I wrote this fairly impromptu at the town hall meeting. Being my first, I didn't realize how under dressed I was, and what these meetings were all about. I was nervous for myself because public speaking was my greatest fear in life, but I was more nervous for the sake of my state, and the direction of my country. Ultimately, I feel this is what the grassroots conservative movement is all about... moving people to do more to improve the nation to bless our kids, and our families as we realize we have been blessed with wonderful gifts from our Creator. We need to overcome fear and come together to oppose the socialist/statist agenda with great pride and enthusiasm. Combing our talents, and motivating each other to extend their talents will help us move forward in an increasingly dangerous world. God bless America!
American ingenuity did not cease simply because we are in a down-turn. We are the bravest most innovative people on the Earth, and yes we can get out of the welfare Malayes. Cut taxes for the rich and the poor! Stop punishing success and rewarding failure. Making this a priority will turn the page and create a bigger pie for All and not Some.
It is a sad state of affairs when we the people must stand in que to beg the state for money. Americans are also among the most loving, charitable people in the world, and lets turn to their hearts instead of mining their wallets."
I wrote this fairly impromptu at the town hall meeting. Being my first, I didn't realize how under dressed I was, and what these meetings were all about. I was nervous for myself because public speaking was my greatest fear in life, but I was more nervous for the sake of my state, and the direction of my country. Ultimately, I feel this is what the grassroots conservative movement is all about... moving people to do more to improve the nation to bless our kids, and our families as we realize we have been blessed with wonderful gifts from our Creator. We need to overcome fear and come together to oppose the socialist/statist agenda with great pride and enthusiasm. Combing our talents, and motivating each other to extend their talents will help us move forward in an increasingly dangerous world. God bless America!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Letter to Minnesota Governor (Congress Misbehaves Over Baby DNA Privacy)
Dear Governor,
Taking in the gravity of the position of Governor, it is unfortunate today that a lonely citizen of Minnesota such as I has to be the one to inform you that the state's congress is misbehaving regarding a simple bill, however that does seem to be the case. I have (as well as my new-found friends at the CCHC)
1) Contacted my legislators by email and phone with no response.
2) Visited the capitol several times on "hearings" regarding HF 1341/SF 1478, and have tried to testify on it personally only to be stonewalled by democrats.
I would expect this issue to reach the ears of the Governor if the media was not so inarticulate in matters that might actually concern the people of the great state of Minnesota. Therefore, as a last resort, I must ask for a reprieve from the Governor in this usurpation of The People's rights.
There is a concern among many constituents in Minnesota over the data privacy of the new born infants. Many of us understand as a matter of fact baby DNA is not state DNA. This is of course true, and the law requires that the HHS DNA database of 820,000 be destroyed. This is not even a dispute between differing ideologies, but a matter of law. I no longer expect my legislators to understand the concerns of state control over baby DNA, however there should be a bare minimum that our legislators understand those concerns do exist.
It is understandable that there are those who want to advance science and to use infants as a vehicle to prove their dedication to such endeavors. Given that the HHS is in violation of the law, and is currently ignoring the law (and there is no evidence to support any other conclusion), the precedent being set here is not one of reasonable men and women. Essentially, supporting HF 1341 and its counterpart SF 1478 is affirming that science trumps reason. This is doubly troubling to those who have taken a brief look at some of the darker chapters of the history humanity concerning genetic research.
Again, at the bare minimum there is an understanding among many who are aware of the issue that baby DNA is not state DNA. They will grow distrustful of their doctors, and possibly even the medical profession. I implore my legislators to vote against HF 1341 and SF 1478, because I believe unabashedly that all ideologies understand the necessity of the patient/client relationship that is currently in jeopardy. That sacred relationship should not be infringed upon by legislators. We all share the same wonders towards what lies ahead, but lets put our best feet forward.
Governor Pawlenty, I beg you to use the media to explain the issue fully to Minnesotans, and to articulate why it must be vetoed if found in the final form of legislation. If the bill is passed with HF 1341 or SF 1478, then as a republican and a big 'A' American, as a final recourse I must have the constitution to abide by my patriotic duty as a private citizen to help maintain the Republic in which we both reside. I must lend my support and vote for someone who will stand with We The People on this issue, and will retain the peoples' rights with We The People.
Jordan Jelinek
Taking in the gravity of the position of Governor, it is unfortunate today that a lonely citizen of Minnesota such as I has to be the one to inform you that the state's congress is misbehaving regarding a simple bill, however that does seem to be the case. I have (as well as my new-found friends at the CCHC)
1) Contacted my legislators by email and phone with no response.
2) Visited the capitol several times on "hearings" regarding HF 1341/SF 1478, and have tried to testify on it personally only to be stonewalled by democrats.
I would expect this issue to reach the ears of the Governor if the media was not so inarticulate in matters that might actually concern the people of the great state of Minnesota. Therefore, as a last resort, I must ask for a reprieve from the Governor in this usurpation of The People's rights.
There is a concern among many constituents in Minnesota over the data privacy of the new born infants. Many of us understand as a matter of fact baby DNA is not state DNA. This is of course true, and the law requires that the HHS DNA database of 820,000 be destroyed. This is not even a dispute between differing ideologies, but a matter of law. I no longer expect my legislators to understand the concerns of state control over baby DNA, however there should be a bare minimum that our legislators understand those concerns do exist.
It is understandable that there are those who want to advance science and to use infants as a vehicle to prove their dedication to such endeavors. Given that the HHS is in violation of the law, and is currently ignoring the law (and there is no evidence to support any other conclusion), the precedent being set here is not one of reasonable men and women. Essentially, supporting HF 1341 and its counterpart SF 1478 is affirming that science trumps reason. This is doubly troubling to those who have taken a brief look at some of the darker chapters of the history humanity concerning genetic research.
Again, at the bare minimum there is an understanding among many who are aware of the issue that baby DNA is not state DNA. They will grow distrustful of their doctors, and possibly even the medical profession. I implore my legislators to vote against HF 1341 and SF 1478, because I believe unabashedly that all ideologies understand the necessity of the patient/client relationship that is currently in jeopardy. That sacred relationship should not be infringed upon by legislators. We all share the same wonders towards what lies ahead, but lets put our best feet forward.
Governor Pawlenty, I beg you to use the media to explain the issue fully to Minnesotans, and to articulate why it must be vetoed if found in the final form of legislation. If the bill is passed with HF 1341 or SF 1478, then as a republican and a big 'A' American, as a final recourse I must have the constitution to abide by my patriotic duty as a private citizen to help maintain the Republic in which we both reside. I must lend my support and vote for someone who will stand with We The People on this issue, and will retain the peoples' rights with We The People.
Jordan Jelinek
Letter to Minnesota State Legistlators - Baby DNA Privacy (HF 1341/SF 1478)
Dear Legislators,
There is a concern among many constituents in Minnesota over the data privacy of the new born infants. Many of us understand as a matter of fact baby DNA is not state DNA. This is of course true, and the law requires that the DNA database of 820,000 be destroyed. This is not even a dispute between differing ideologies, but a matter of law. I hardly expect my legislators to understand the concerns of state control over baby DNA, however there should be a bare minimum that our legislators understand those concerns do exist.
It is understandable that there are those who want to advance science and to use infants as a vehicle to prove their dedication to such endeavors. Given that the HHS is in violation of the law, and is currently ignoring the law (and there is no evidence to support any other conclusion), the precedent being set here is not one of reasonable men and women. Essentially, supporting HF 1341 and its sister SF 1478 is affirming that science trumps reason. This is doubly troubling to those who have taken a brief look at some of the darker chapters of the history humanity concerning genetic research.
Again, at the bare minimum there is an understanding among many who are aware of the issue that baby DNA is not state DNA. Minnesotans will grow distrustful of their doctors, and possibly even the medical profession. I implore my legislators to vote against HF 1341 and SF 1478, because I believe unabashedly that all ideologies understand the necessity of the patient/client relationship that is currently in jeopardy. That sacred relationship should not be infringed upon by legislators. We all share the same wonders towards what lies ahead, but lets put our best feet forward.
Jordan Jelinek
There is a concern among many constituents in Minnesota over the data privacy of the new born infants. Many of us understand as a matter of fact baby DNA is not state DNA. This is of course true, and the law requires that the DNA database of 820,000 be destroyed. This is not even a dispute between differing ideologies, but a matter of law. I hardly expect my legislators to understand the concerns of state control over baby DNA, however there should be a bare minimum that our legislators understand those concerns do exist.
It is understandable that there are those who want to advance science and to use infants as a vehicle to prove their dedication to such endeavors. Given that the HHS is in violation of the law, and is currently ignoring the law (and there is no evidence to support any other conclusion), the precedent being set here is not one of reasonable men and women. Essentially, supporting HF 1341 and its sister SF 1478 is affirming that science trumps reason. This is doubly troubling to those who have taken a brief look at some of the darker chapters of the history humanity concerning genetic research.
Again, at the bare minimum there is an understanding among many who are aware of the issue that baby DNA is not state DNA. Minnesotans will grow distrustful of their doctors, and possibly even the medical profession. I implore my legislators to vote against HF 1341 and SF 1478, because I believe unabashedly that all ideologies understand the necessity of the patient/client relationship that is currently in jeopardy. That sacred relationship should not be infringed upon by legislators. We all share the same wonders towards what lies ahead, but lets put our best feet forward.
Jordan Jelinek
state house,
state senate
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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